Reviews & Results

Welcome to Reviews & Results, your go-to destination for all things related to the Verivell RF skin tightening device! On this page, we provide comprehensive reviews and showcase real-life results with before and after photos, allowing you to witness the transformative power of our device. Explore our collection of reviews and immerse yourself in the inspiring transformation stories as you discover the remarkable benefits of our Verivell RF skin-tightening devices.


Based on 249 reviews

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Dive into a collection of experiences that highlight the satisfaction and appreciation our users have expressed. Read on to see why our device has earned praise and become a preferred choice for many.

I’ve been using this device for a month now and I’m really enjoying the results. My face feels tighter and looks fresher after each use. The machine heats up quickly and is easy to handle. I had one issue with the probes not heating up, but the company’s customer service was quick to respond and sent me replacements within a week. I’m eager to see how my skin will continue to improve in the coming months.

Emma Daughety

I’ve always taken good care of my skin, but as I entered my mid-40s, I noticed I needed a bit more help. That’s when I discovered this device. It’s easy to use and the results are noticeable. My skin looks firmer and feels smoother. I’m excited to see how it will continue to improve my skin.

Calla Fallin

I started using this device as I noticed my skin needed a bit of a lift. It’s only been a week, but I’m excited to see how it evolves. I’ve been watching various tutorials and was expecting some heat and redness, but I’ve experienced neither so far on the lowest setting. Looking forward to seeing more results.

Lorayne Allsopp

Nine weeks in, and the changes in my skin are outstanding. My jawline is more defined, the sagging skin around my mouth and cheeks has improved, and even my pores are less visible. This device definitely requires some patience, but the results are worth the wait. I’ve found it easy to use with the help of the manual and the customer service representative, Cindy. I recommend this product without reservation.

Jamie Henricks

I’m in my mid-40s and was looking for something to rejuvenate my skin. After just a week of using this device, I can already see some improvements. The heat level is very manageable and there’s no redness after use. But overall, I’m quite satisfied with this product.

Niklas Weilbacher